The Unseen War: The Spiritual Antidote to Our Global Conflicts

Thomas A. Vik
5 min readJul 23, 2023


Humanity is at war. Not just physically, but invisibly, spiritually.

It’s a battle that doesn’t happen on geographical terrains, but on the fields of our collective consciousness. Wars around the world rage on, from the political battles in the West, to the devastating war between Russia and Ukraine, to the enduring turmoil in the Middle East. We see the violence, the destruction, the tangible horrors of conflict.

We become numb to these images, trapped in a cycle of fear and helplessness.

The Deeper Unexpected Solution to War

But what if I told you the root of these wars isn’t the territorial disputes, the greed, or the lust for power?

No, it goes deeper, much deeper. It lies in our collective unconscious — the unseen war. The way we solve our global conflicts isn’t by introducing more advanced weaponry, or by imposing heavier sanctions. Ending wars will never ever be done on the level of form.

Rather, it’s done by examining the spiritual roots of these conflicts and altering our collective consciousness — ending wars on the level of mind.

The Battlefield Within: The Invisible Frontline

We see war as a physical phenomenon.

Countries against countries, tribes against tribes. But the actual frontline isn’t out there, it’s within us. The conflicts we see in our world are merely a reflection of the conflicts in our collective mind. Each act of violence, each display of hostility, is a manifestation of an internal, spiritual war that rages within us.

And the casualties? They are compassion, empathy, and love — qualities that represent the spirit within us, overshadowed by the manifestation of ego in the form of greed and lust that seem to form the bedrock of our humanity.

The World is a Mirror

Looking back at my own spiritual awakening, I had a vivid realization.

One October evening in 2019, as I sat in my usual spot, not meditating as you might expect — but watching TV, I found myself detached from the world around me. My senses heightened, my consciousness expanded. I felt interconnectedness, not as a concept, but as a lived reality. I came to understand that the conflicts we witness in the world are but a mirror of our internal strife.

And it was in that moment I knew that the true resolution to our global conflicts begins with a shift in our collective consciousness.

Changing Our Collective Consciousness: The Only Way Forward

But how do we achieve this shift in consciousness? It starts with us — individually.

We have to move away from viewing conflicts from a standpoint of dualism — the ‘us’ versus ‘them’ mentality, the ‘I’ versus ‘you’ perspective. This divisive perspective is what fuels hostility and animosity. Instead, we must recognize our inherent interconnectedness, our oneness.

It’s a shift from the illusion of separateness to the realization of unity.

Flying Too Close to The Sun

Imagine the impact on our global conflicts if we all began to view each other as extensions of ourselves.

No longer would there be an ‘enemy’ to fight. No longer would violence be the answer. Because when we harm others, we’re essentially harming ourselves. Consider the story of Icarus, a classic Greek myth. In his hubris, Icarus ignored his father’s warnings, flew too close to the sun, melted his wings, and fell into the sea.

This tragic tale exemplifies the dire consequences of ignoring the interconnectedness of things and overstepping our bounds in pursuit of individualistic goals.

By disregarding the balance between us and nature, like Icarus, we may also plummet.

Embrace Non-Dualism: The Key to Ending Global Conflicts

Shifting our consciousness isn’t a quick fix, nor is it easy.

It takes practice, patience, and a deep understanding of our interconnectedness. It’s about embracing the teachings of non-dualism and recognizing that the external world is a reflection of our internal state. Through non-dualistic thinking, we can start to understand that war isn’t the solution.

That there’s another way — one that doesn’t involve violence or fear. One that brings peace and unity, not on the level of form — but on the level of mind. We all have a role to play in this.

As a father of three, I’ve made it my mission to instill in my children the importance of empathy, compassion, understanding and introspection. And I encourage you to do the same.

The Illusion of Our World

What if I told you that the world as we know it is not real?

That the wars, the conflicts, the suffering — they are all illusions of our mind. That the world we see is a reflection of our internal state, a manifestation of our belief in conflict and separation? As we cultivate a change in our consciousness, we begin to perceive the world differently.

We come to understand that there is no ‘out there.’

Everything is happening within our minds. Peace and love, therefore, are not conditions to be achieved in the external world, but states of mind to be realized. By withdrawing our belief in conflict, we dissolve the illusion of war. We begin to see that the real battle is not between nations, but within our own minds.

And once we comprehend this truth, all conflicts end.

Our Reality: Peace Within

Imagine living in a state of constant peace and tranquility, unperturbed by the apparent chaos of the world.

This is not a lofty goal, but a tangible reality accessible to us all. It begins with the recognition of the illusory nature of our world and the conflicts within it. Through this lens, peace isn’t something we strive to establish globally; it’s a state of mind we embody.

When we withdraw our belief in conflict, we reveal the peace that has always been present, hidden beneath layers of illusion.

The End of the Unseen War

Our journey towards a world without war begins with understanding that the world we see is a reflection of our mind.

When our minds are at peace, so too is our world. In this awakened state, we don’t merely dream of a world at peace — we realize that peace is our inherent reality. And with this realization, we free ourselves from the illusion of conflict, from the unseen war. Our role in this awakening is vital. Let us then, from this moment forward, commit to withdrawing our belief in conflict, and unveil the peace that resides within.

For in this peace, the unseen war finally comes to an end.

