Hey Moon Lin,
Ah, the body as the ultimate Airbnb for the soul, huh? I appreciate your thoughtful words, and I'm pleased you found value in my musings on Kundalini. Let's delve a bit deeper, shall we?
Temple Talk: You've got a point about the body as a temple, but here's the kicker: When we talk temples and souls, aren't we also talking duality? Body here, soul there — seems like we're making a divine stew with too many ingredients. From where I sit, it's all one recipe, one flavor. No soul separate from body, no body separate from the universe. It's a non-dual all-you-can-eat buffet.
Health & Unhealth: Physical fitness has its merits; nobody wants a decrepit temple. But let's not pin the "unhealthy spirituality" badge solely on flabby biceps or a love for donuts. Often, the unhealth comes from a basic misunderstanding of what's actually going on— spiritually and existentially.
Time to Leave: This whole idea of the soul needing to skedaddle when the body can't cut it anymore — what's the rush? Who said anything about entrance and exit tickets? Death as an eviction notice is a charming idea, but a bit overly dramatic from the non-dual viewpoint. You're just shifting forms, not leaving the party.
The Energy Play: Kundalini, ah yes, the cosmic espresso shot. It's energy, no doubt. But this isn't something you hoard for later use. It's the ceaseless pulse of what you've always been. Ready or not, it might just show up, and your perception of yourself as a limited entity will dictate how that meeting goes.
Moon Lin, thanks for stirring the cosmic cauldron with your thoughts. Conversations like these can sometimes cook up a little enlightenment gumbo, and who knows what epiphanies might float to the top?
Thomas A. Vik