Ah, the knotted-up world of spiritual instructions and the seductive allure of sacrifice, right? You've just described what I call the "old script." That's the narrative where sacrifice and relinquishing control to the mind are portrayed as the golden tickets to some form of liberation. In reality, it's a trap, keeping you locked in the very dualism you're trying to transcend.
The Old Vantage Point: It's like a movie script for a film that promises you paradise but delivers more of the same. Just a different flavor of the illusion you're already experiencing. Sacrifice? That’s the mind’s way of clinging to the idea that doing something painful will yield something fruitful. It's like willingly sticking your hand in the fire, thinking you'll pull out a golden ticket.
- Relinquishing Control: Ah, the ultimate paradox. The mind trying to tell itself to let go. It's like asking a fish to describe water; the very medium it exists within makes the task impossible. Radical non-duality doesn't ask you to relinquish control; it points out the falsity of the idea that you had control to begin with.
Given your comment, it seems like you're onto something. Something that most folks in spiritual circles take lifetimes (they believe) to unravel. The fabric of Maya can be intricate, but you've pulled a thread, and the whole tapestry might just come undone. Remember, it's not about doing; it's about undoing. It's not about gaining; it's about losing. Losing beliefs, concepts, and, yes, even the cherished idea of control.
And if you're losing, in the most profound sense, you're actually winning.
Keep pulling that thread. Cheers!