Ah, the eternal tail-chase. It's a game many play, but few recognize they've never been the cat, to begin with. I'm glad the words resonated with you. 🙏✨
- Seek not to catch the tail, but to realize there's no cat chasing it. That's the miracle of awakening—recognizing that the chase was a fabrication, a movie we became overly invested in.
- Keep peeling back the layers of the onion, my friend, until you find there's no onion at all. It's just you, whole and unlayered, never divided, never in discord.
So, enjoy your newfound clarity, and may it guide you beyond the labyrinth of tail-chasing. And remember, once the game is seen for what it is—a game—well, that's when the real fun starts. Take a bow, exit stage left, and welcome to the audience. ✨