Ah, the delight of spirited debate. You've hit the nail on the head regarding the limitations of language, haven't you? 😂
Beyond Words: When I mentioned "bumping into each other somewhere beyond the words," the irony wasn't lost on me. In the non-dual space, there's no "me" to bump into any "you," just as there's no "this" or "that," "here" or "there." But language is a clumsy tool, isn't it? It's like trying to catch smoke with a net. Point taken, no fleets of trucks required.
Unshakeable Unsharable Beliefs: I fully agree that any direct experience is subjective and, in that sense, unsharable. But it's not about belief. Non-duality isn't a philosophy or a hypothesis I've decided to adopt; it's a direct experience. Think of it as the water in which all the fish of belief and disbelief swim. And sometimes, they don't even know they're wet.
Acceptance and Direct Experience: I appreciate your willingness to accept my experience. That's gracious of you. But let's not make any trophies out of these experiences or beliefs, shall we? They're just signposts. Ultimately disposable.
So yes, I’ll accept that we won’t bump into each other "beyond the words" just as much as I’ll say we’re already there, and these debates are just ripples on the surface of a very deep pond.
Cheers to your continuing journey through the world of ideas. Keep challenging, keep questioning, keep experiencing. And may your journey take you exactly where you need to go, even if it turns out you've been there all along.
Kind regards. 😊