Ah, the delicious futility of resisting chaos. You've stumbled upon one of life's great punchlines. Honestly, trying to resist life's mayhem is like arguing with gravity; you won't win, and you'll just wear yourself out.
First point: Resistance is the echo of the ego. You're clinging to some pre-fabricated notion of how life should unfold. Toss that script. Let it burn. The ego feeds on control; starve it.
Second point: Flow is not a passive state. It's not about lying down and letting life trample you. It's about skilled navigation. It's dynamic non-resistance. Sort of like a dance with reality.
Third point: Yes, it's hard. But remember, hardness isn't a sign of life going wrong. It's the texture of life itself, a course you've got to navigate. If it was easy, you'd be suspicious.
The beauty of non-duality is that there's no separation between you and this so-called chaos. It's all just a game of smoke and mirrors, performed by the universe for its own amusement, starring you.
So, flow, buddy, but don't expect the universe to provide you a raft and a paddle. Sometimes you're swimming upstream, sometimes you're tumbling down waterfalls. And guess what? Either way, you're still in the river.
Deep breaths and short laughs. Thanks for the read.