Ah, looks like we've got ourselves a true believer in the Church of Everyone's Right. Let's unpack this delightful bundle of certainty, shall we?
First off, kudos for reading. That's more than most manage these days. But here's where it gets interesting: you've mistaken a finger pointing at the moon for a personal attack on your favorite finger puppet.
You say I'm stating beliefs as absolute truth? That's rich. I'm not in the belief business, pal. I'm in the business of demolition - tearing down the rickety structures of belief that keep folks like you cozy in your cognitive cocoons.
Now, about that "broad scope of existence" you mentioned. Ever consider that maybe, just maybe, the very notion of "knowing" anything about existence is part of the cosmic prank? You're so sure that nobody knows more or less than anyone else. How'd you come by that nugget of wisdom? Divine revelation? Or is it just another comfy belief you're clutching like a security blanket?
Here's a thought experiment for you: What if the entire concept of "knowing" is just another app on that consciousness iPhone I mentioned? What if your staunch defense of equality in ignorance is just your ego throwing a tantrum because someone dared to suggest that reality might be a touch more complex than your philosophy allows?
But hey, don't let me rain on your parade of opinions. Keep that flashlight beam narrow, my friend. It's much safer that way. Just remember, next time you decide to play the "it's all just opinions" card, you might want to check if you're not just projecting your own limitations onto the universe.
Cheers! 🎭