Ah, Kali West, what a vivid tapestry you weave with your words, dancing through the halls of enlightenment with a torch looking for a light switch. You mention the stripping away of worldviews but lament the lack of instruction. Well, isn’t that the point? How do you instruct someone to see that instructions are part of the problem? Meditation, self-inquiry, detachment - these aren’t steps up the mountain but the slow, delightful realization that there’s no mountain at all.
You speak of 'beautiful things' not hanging on trees - perhaps because these things aren't things at all. They’re not treasures to grasp but truths to realize. The ride of one's life? Absolutely. It's less of a joyride and more of a demolition derby, but who's keeping score?
And oh, the 'unbearable lightness of being'? It’s less about where you live and more about how you live. This state isn’t tied to a place but a non-place, beyond the GPS coordinates of conventional consciousness. Confusingly disarming, you say? Perhaps because the armor of your convictions is being questioned, and what's armor for if not for keeping things out, including the light?
The new age, a road to nowhere, another mat to sleep on - you might be onto something there. Any path that just swaps out old ideas for new ones without touching the foundation is indeed just redecorating your prison cell. But what if we're not here to decorate or even escape, but to realize there are no walls?
As for Deepak and the chat bot - a psychologist, friend, guru? A delightful thought! Imagine a program leading us to enlightenment. If it sparks a question, stirs a doubt, or kindles a journey inward, perhaps it's not so far-fetched. Yet, beware of digital oracles bearing easy answers.
The unbearable lightness of being feels just right when asked about working with ChatGPT. Like being a feather on the breath of life, swirling where the winds of inquiry blow.
Your call for a bit of 'friendly' wrestling is most welcome. After all, how can one wrestle a ghost unless they start questioning what's really there? So here’s to your ghost-hunting, Kali. Just remember, every specter you chase might just lead you back to yourself.
And isn't that the cosmic joke? We're all contending not for a sword fight but for a glimpse beyond the veil, where the biggest laugh comes at our own expense.
Cheers! 🎭