Hey there. I’m Thomas A. Vik, but you can call me the guy who burned his past life to ash and rose anew.

Sound dramatic? You bet. In 2007, life sucker-punched me into a 12-year ordeal of depression, anxiety, and lost dreams. Therapy, pills, you name it, I tried it. In 2019, something snapped—or let's say, unfolded. A sudden awakening shattered my illusions.

Now, I’m here to shake up your mental snow globe. I write about the stuff you won't find in your grandma’s spirituality books: radical non-dualism, deeeep meditation, grueling shadow work, the whole enchilada.

Buckle up, and let’s unearth your Truth.


💀 NirvanaNuke - This newsletter is not for the faint of heart or those who'd rather live life on autopilot. If you're content with your illusions, please, for the love of God, don't subscribe. But if you're ready for a hard reboot of your existence, to obliterate your cherished illusions and stare Reality in the face, then buckle up. This is your guided missile to spiritual awakening—or your personal apocalypse. Either way, you won't walk away the same. Subscribe to dismantle the lies and expose the undiluted Truth.

Artwork: By yours truly, created with Midjourney. Fans, form an orderly queue.

Disclaimer: In this high-speed digital rodeo, I’ve got an AI in my corner—whispering secrets and straightening out my thoughts. It’s not just about enhancing productivity, being competitive or keeping pace with the ever-evolving digital landscape; it's about shaping messages that resonate deeply, capturing my perspective in the clearest and most compelling manner. My clandestine collaborator ensures that when my pen hits paper, the words aren’t just wise but irresistibly well-crafted. Cheers!🎭

Medium member since September 2023
Editor of NirvanaNuke
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Thomas A. Vik

Thomas A. Vik

From anxious 👀 to non-dual 👁️